Well, it's been one of those "8 AM time-out" days (see Joni's blog) and I'm not sure if it's because of the sudden influx of sugar in their diets, the 5:30 AM wake up call (Ellie's idea), the spur of the moment decision to potty train (ran out of diapers) or simply that I'm a bad mom who on days like these just wants to throw in the towel, put on a show for the kids and sit down to some blogging. I'm not ready to admit to the latter just yet, so we'll just go with any of the former justifications. At any rate, the kids have been sat down to a show and I'm ready to blog! Here are some fun Halloween pictures from last night.

Jonah was an "Injun" (Ninja) turtle...

Ellie, a princess...

And Charlotte, Little Red Riding Hood. Halloween photo shoot with some of the Allred girl cousins. I think the fairy theme was a popular one this year.

Faith and Ellie being cute...

Luke and Jonah being cute...

The loot...and yes, those are full-sized candybars!