Saturday, September 29, 2007

By Gum!

Yesterday in the car, Ellie found Jonah's mini gum ball piggy bank and somehow managed to get the top off. The gum balls came pouring out so I pulled over to remedy the situation. In the time it took me to get from my side of the car to Ellie's she had greedily stuffed her mouth full of gum balls. Never mind that she doesn't even bother to chew them. I know you're all probably thinking to yourselves, "Wasn't she stuffing her mouth full of something the last time she got into trouble?"
Yes, and no. Yes, she was stuffing her mouth full of Costco shredded cheese. No, that wasn't the last time she got into trouble. Ellie has definitely decided to act her age and give merit to the this wonderful phase in life known as..."The Terrible Twos!"

And yes, we were on our way to Costco...

Monday, September 24, 2007

Ellie's Two!

It doesn't sound quite right that I should have a three year old and a two year old (...and a 3 month old). I'm all the more anxious for Jonah to turn four now. At any rate, she is two and her birthday was a lot of fun. By the end of the day, Jonah was declaring that all her birthday presents were really his, but Ellie did a pretty good job of being okay with that. The middle child really does get the bum end of the deal sometimes.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Rest Position, Feet in Line...

Jonah's taking lessons now from Aunt Bekki (a little grudgingly), but I know I can always get him to practice if I happen to mention to Ellie that she can take her turn to practice first. And with that....the race is on. Ellie won today.

"Charlotte Blue"

I love to hear Jonah and Ellie sing to Charlotte. Here's their favorite:

Charlotte Blue,
I love you.
Cross my heart,
Yes I do.
All the bells in the steeple are waiting to chime,
And all the people
Are buying pretty presents all for you,
Charlotte Blue.
Won't you give your answer, do.
And with all the people waiting
To start the celebrating
When you say I do love you.

Apparently more than half the words are made up (a combination of "g.g.'s" remembrances and our own invention), and Ellie usually only gets about the first little bit, but it still melts my heart.

May the Force Be With You

This is what I woke up to one morning while we were staying at Bek's. Cool toys, Charley!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Sundays in Arizona

Our first Sunday back in Arizona: August birthdays...four, no five of them. Matt, Charley, Afton, Cubby and Emma. Did I forget anyone? We love our big family!! Jonah was our cake baker and Ellie played cowgirl.

Charlotte's Blessing

August 25th we blessed Charlotte. Josh gave a beautiful blessing that very nearly went off without a hitch until the boys almost dropped the poor girl. There was a lot of screaming that ensued. Thank you Mom Allred for Charlotte's amazing blessing dress! Of course there were several "oohs" and "ahhs" over your handiwork. I'm always happy to boast your skills!

Friday, September 7, 2007

Say, "cheese!"

Yesterday I was upstairs unpacking boxes when suddenly it occurred to me that it was all too quiet downstairs where the kids had been playing. Oh well, what's the worst they could be into? I walked down the stairs to Ellie, huge Costco bag of grated cheese in one hand, the other hand stuffing her mouth full of cheese. I suppose no harm done, right? WRONG. Not only had she helped herself to mouthfuls of cheese, she'd left a trail behind her ALL over the house...all over the floors, on the couch, the kitchen table, up the stairs...cheese everywhere! I don't know when I've been so ticked off. Once again, where's the camera?!

Unfortunately, the day didn't end there. Later that day, while trying to make an important phone call amidst Jonah's torturing Charlotte while nursing and then his turning the little vacuum on and off so as to make it impossible to hear, I finally just kicked him out of the room. He banged and kicked the door to get in and then gave up after a while. So, when I was finally done, I shouldn't have been surprised to come out to a trail of saran wrap, winding up and down the hallway and around the kitchen. Again...Costco sized. I'm beginning to believe, Costco's really to blame for all my problems of yesterday!

Jonah summed the day up pretty well later that night when he confessed to Josh, "I got in a lot of trouble today, Daddy."