Saturday, October 17, 2009

Doesn't it look like Jonah could really adore a baby brother???

Unfortunately, he'll have to put that thought on hold cause we're having another GIRL!!! Yea for two bedroom homes (kids rooms, that is) and three little girls! I may really be hoping for a boy next time around (assuming I'm still sane enough for that).

Meanwhile, Jonah has contented himself with his new pet snake, Tiger. I know, I'm so full of surprises today and believe you me, the snake was a definite surprise. I've always maintained a very strict "No Pets" policy in our home, but I caved when Josh's uncle called wondering if Jonah would like to take custody of their 15 year old King snake. Well, that right there was promising. They only live 18 years or so. And the maintenance is quite manageable...if you can get over the live mouse being strangled to death about every other week. Charlotte thinks it's pretty cool. "Mouse dead?" she asks as she watches with her face pressed against the glass. Yep, we're raising some pretty tough kids who already at the age of two can understand and accept death as a natural course in life. Great.

The first day Tiger made our home his (or hers...not really sure) I though he'd escaped because I couldn't find him anywhere in the cage. I called Josh to tell him he was coming home that second. Luckily, I took another good look and saw he was hiding under the straw. No other close calls so far and for the most part I can content myself with the fact that Jonah is one very happy boy.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Ducks Unlimited

Jonah received a package in the mail the other day and oh man, you've never seen a happier little boy. And rightly so, for this was a very special package--an exclusive offer to be a member of the Ducks Unlimited society.

Jonah could not stop talking about his special package, complete with mailing labels, stickers of ducks and a business card (which he promptly found a special place for in his wallet so as to keep it safe from his sisters).

The best was Sunday when he said to me, "I can not wait for church today. I'm going to ask Marc (one of Josh's buddies who he's been duck hunting with) if he's a member of the Duck club too!"

Can you believe some people would call that junk mail?

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Death by Limes

I know, you didn't think it possible. Our lime tree is tearing me apart piece by piece every time I go out there to harvest or water. You're thinking, ever heard of sprinklers? Yup, they're there and they're broken. So I put on a brave face for the kids, act like it's no big deal, go out there and come back fingers pierced, scratches adorning my body.

A little foresight last winter would have been helpful. Being somewhat new homeowners, we didn't even think to prune the trees. They're out of control. And being stuck between two narrow walls, it's literally like crawling through a maze of thorns. But, on the up side we have a TON of limes, so if anyone's interested I'd love to earn a few more battle wounds for your sake!

Other gardening news...

Our basil has taken off. The cilantro's still thinking about it.

The tomato plants are getting bigger..

And we've already harvested some of our corn. Props to Josh for our amazing garden!