Thursday, October 1, 2009

Death by Limes

I know, you didn't think it possible. Our lime tree is tearing me apart piece by piece every time I go out there to harvest or water. You're thinking, ever heard of sprinklers? Yup, they're there and they're broken. So I put on a brave face for the kids, act like it's no big deal, go out there and come back fingers pierced, scratches adorning my body.

A little foresight last winter would have been helpful. Being somewhat new homeowners, we didn't even think to prune the trees. They're out of control. And being stuck between two narrow walls, it's literally like crawling through a maze of thorns. But, on the up side we have a TON of limes, so if anyone's interested I'd love to earn a few more battle wounds for your sake!

Other gardening news...

Our basil has taken off. The cilantro's still thinking about it.

The tomato plants are getting bigger..

And we've already harvested some of our corn. Props to Josh for our amazing garden!


Alecia said...

Great pictures of your garden Amy!!
I love limes and I wish there was a way to zap them to Virginia!
Limeade is MUCH tastier than lemonade too!!!

Amy G. said...

I was wondering about limeade...I'll have to give it a whirl!

Rob, Michelle, Luke & Harper said...

It really an amazing garden! I am so impressed.

Rhonda said...

Wow, I'm impressed with all of it. I'd love a few limes if you still have some extras. I've never made limeaide, it sounds good.

Leah Miller said...

Ryan would LOVE if I started a garden. The problem is that I don't even know where to start. I wish we were neighbors. It looks so good. And the limes look great as decoration. Good luck trying to eat all of those!

Heather B said...

That lime photo takes me right back to my sister's house in Mesa! My kids had a ball making fresh lemonade with their cousins, and can't understand why at our house they have to settle for the frozen stuff. And way to go on the garden--that's amazing! Take care.

Kate said...

I'm so jealous of your garden. Anything that grows here in the Valley of the Sun I wiew as amazing and a huge accomplishment. If you still have extra limes I would Love some!

Angie said...

If you have the Higley Groves ward cookbook, there is a honey lime chicken enchilada recipe that is TO DIE FOR!!!! I have all of my neighbors hooked on it. I wish you could stash a bunch for me in the mail. Mike's fave is diet pepsi with fresh lime. Yum!

Jene said...

yours is doing so much better than mine. I have found that the more I leave it alone the better it does. I just want to take care of my little plants every day....even if they don't need any more water! I hope it is not the same with my kids!!

Nicole said...

Oh, good luck with the cilantro! I grew it for the first time this year. Harvested once and then it immediately bolted. Dumb plant. I am SOOO jealous of your limes! If you haven't tried the limeade recipe in the Wmsbg cookbook, give it a whirl. It's different but OH so good!

Amy G. said...

thanks everyone for all the lime recipe ideas! i've tried a few and have been loving them!!