Saturday, June 20, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

To my orchid loving, garden growing, book reading, paper obsessing, fishing, hunting, future quail raising, family devoted husband. We sure love you. Happy Father's Day!

My sister-in-law gave me the idea and letters to make this collage for Josh to take to work. Man am I grateful for creative people in my life. You'll have to use your imagination to put the pictures side by side since I've no clue how to do it.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Cute Lil' Things

As I was singing Ellie "Families are Forever" tonight for her bedtime song, she said very matter of factly, "Mom, I want to share my life with Jonah." Oh good! Cause some days I'm wondering if they want to spend even an hour with each other, let alone their whole lives. I was touched and marveled at my sweet little babes.

About a week ago we had plums starting to ripen on our tree, but as soon as they do the birds are there to peck them to pieces. I was expressing my frustration and Jonah said, "I know Mom! We can build a trap for the birds." And this was the idea he came up with.

He wanted to fake out the birds by building a nest with Easter grass and eggs that would surely lure the birds in at which point we'd cover them up with a towel and take them prisoners. He spent a couple of days watching and waiting for his contraption to work. He mentioned that one did get close. I love the way his mind works. Priceless.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Mary, Mary quite contrary, how does your garden grow?

With watermelon and cucumbers and pretty carrots all in a row.

Josh has been obsessing over his little garden and we are now enjoying the fruits of his labors. Anyone have any good cucumber recipes?

They're quite tasty!

And here's a cool picture Josh took of his $5 orchid. What you can't see is the 80's, lilac vase it came in. No wonder it was so cheap.

Monday, June 8, 2009

"I'n Tuuu!"

Seriously this girl turned two and thinks she rules the roost. It's been coming on slowly, but man...tell a girl it's her birthday and it's all over. She informed us more than once that it was her day--to get the mail, to choose the pink dishes, to open the presents, etc. She couldn't be cuter and I love her guts.

My first attempt at the birthday cake...

And my second...

Personally, I think I did a much better job the second time around.

And what's up with the funky coloring in every photo? This is what I get for trying to shoot without my trusty auto function.!