Friday, May 22, 2009

Summer Days

Here's a little of how we've been spending our lazy summer days.

Who needs a pool? The kids were making up routines as they "super-jumped" (Ellie's word) their way across the sprinklers. So much fun! Char was sure to keep a safe distance though. She wasn't as thrilled with our pool substitute.

What are summer days without watermelon? Sadly, not from our garden but hopefully soon...

Ellie and Charlotte being silly..

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Char was hamming it up at her very first violin recital. She doesn't know how to do a thing but get up there, pretend to play and take one fine looking bow, but don't tell her that.

Jonah's Let's Play Music recital. He and his friend Andrew kept themselves pretty well entertained.

This was the 'hound chasing the fox' puppet show his class demonstrated.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day 2009

I love the little Mother's Day questionnaires they do in Preschool. Where certain questions about Mom are asked that are sure to produce wild, unbelievable yet sadly revealing answers? I got a little insight to what my kids were thinking about me this year...


My mom's favorite food is...salad.
My mom's shoe size is...3.
My mom is ...7...years old.
My mom's favorite thing to do is...cut paper.
My mom does what all day...clean the washer.

Not too bad I don't think. And then there's Jonah's.

How old is your mom...89.
What color is her hair...brown.
What is her favorite thing to do at
What is something she does not like to do...not letting me play Wii (I'm pretty sure he got his negatives mixed up).
Where is her favorite place to the gym.

I'll have you know a few things, Jonah. Despite my cracked, wrinkly looking feet that according to you are "old," I on the other hand am not. I wouldn't put working straight up at the top of my 'favorite things to do' list either. Think, steaming hot bath with a good book and you're getting there. And while, yes technically you could probably call my hair color brown, my driver's license says otherwise and will until my dying day (probably true considering there's something like a 40 yr. expiration date on AZ licenses). So other than my not wanting you to play Wii every hour of every day, I'm afraid you've missed the mark a bit. But that's okay. I can understand that the perspective of a 5 year old is well, a little skewed? I suppose the same could be said of 28 year olds as well. For example, when I took you to that violin camp all day with Ellie....I honestly thought you were going to love it! You don't remember? Here's a picture...

Certainly you remember what you said to me as we were leaving? "Mom, that was the meanest thing you've ever done to me."

I haven't forgotten.

But thank you for Mother's Day! It means even more to me that my little "leprechaun" would be so excited to clean up the house for me knowing all the mean things I've done to you! I love you so much. You totally made my day, sweet boy.

I'm not sure what exactly this contraption around his waist is supposed to be, but I thought it was hilarious. The princess purse especially is a nice touch.

Yes, I did put most of that together for him and yes, it did take nearly all day. Totally worth it.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Copper, cotton, citrus, climate, cattle.

In my attempt to discover new reasons for loving Arizona other than the 100 degree weather in May, I've come up with one. Citrus. It's one of Arizona's 5 C's you know and I've got it in my backyard. Well, everyone does but I didn't know I did until this year when my two trees decided to produce.

I'm thinking they're lemons. And I'm ecstatic because from the look of things, we may actually get some next year too!

Ellie brought me one of these and told me we had "green berries" on our tree...

And while I'm on the agricultural subject, I should mention that we finally started a garden! I use the term "we" very loosely as it was pretty much Josh that did it. Cucumbers, carrots and watermelon. We're starting off small because let's be honest...our past record shows little to no success in the garden department (unless you count accidentally growing pumpkin from the compost pile a success).

It's alive! (You have to look pretty closely to see any evidence)

Now let's just see if I can keep it that way.