Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sundry Sundays

Most Sundays we either have friends and family over for dinner or are at family's for dinner. Today however, we did not do either. Just us Greers. Jonah asked, "Who are we having over for dinner?" When we replied no one. He looked incredulous and followed up with, "Well, are we going over to Grandma's?" Nope. Still incredulous he asked, "Why?"

Sometimes you gotta have absolutely nothing to do on a Sunday evening. And when this sort of Sunday comes up don't be surprised if after reading, games, physical activity and the sort, the day suddenly ends at 6:20 PM. Kids in bed, probably two out of the three already asleep....

This is how it happens. You wear your kids out with every possible activity you can think of (cause you have the whole day to do so) and when one asks, "What else should we do?" another comes in from the other room and replies with great authority, "Nope. It's" (Bedtime is at 7PM around here.) And that's that. You read scriptures, story and a song and it's all over...

And then you go and thank your lucky stars that your three year old daughter doesn't know her sevens from her fives.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Ha ha ha ha ha! Oh, that's too funny. And here it is 9:08 (I'm pretty good with my numbers) and only one of the three are in bed! Good gracious!