Friday, April 30, 2010

What goes around comes around.


Of course I was right.

The only sure way of relieving your two-day constipation was to replace the snuzzler I had previously removed from your last blowout. The second I did, was almost the exact second you took care of business.

So baby, you can thank me for relieving your pain...and cleaning up all that poop. I'll be expecting repayment in say, fifty to sixty years.


Your ever devoted Mother


Lara Neves said...

Aww, poor baby.

Once, when Chloe was about 2 or 3 months old, she didn't poop for 5 weeks. I'm not even kidding. The doctors were not alarmed, but she finally did it in the middle of a road trip. That was fun.

PS I am apparently out of the baby loop...what is a snuzzler?

Amy G. said...

i love these!

Cherie said...

Good times! I love the snuzzler too!

Destry said...

Congratulations on the BM little Hazel.I hope my kids will never have to repay that particular favor.

Kathryn said...

I am laughing so hard. Loved this post.