Thursday, January 26, 2012

Happy Birthday Cinnamon!

Charlotte has been obsessed lately with her bear, Cinnamon. Cinnamon eats with us, watches movies with us, checks the mail with us and is a very good napper! Charlotte informed me that Cinnamon's birthday was January 4th, but she was not going to leave me alone until Cinnamon's birthday was properly celebrated! So, we invited a few friends over and gave Cinnamon the time of her life (and probably Charlotte's as well). Char's had a little cough the past few days and just this morning she told me how glad she was that she wasn't sick for Cinnamon's party! What a crack up she has been. And so ready to grow up. Other information I've gathered from her over the past few weeks...

Top 10 reasons why Charlotte would like to be a Mom right now:
1. To have her own phone
2. To have her own gum
3. To have her own purse
4. To have her own makeup
5. To get her ears "peered" (pierced)
6. To put a feather in her hair
7. To dye her hair
8. To make her own dinners (or rather decide on her own dinners is more likely what she's thinking)
9. To have a real baby of her own
10. To be a mom with me!

(Side note: I was trying to remember a few of the reasons she'd mentioned so I asked Char, "Why was it you wanted to be a mom?" Answer: "Oh, I don't want to be a mom anymore." "Why not?" "Because I didn't know you had to die." So apparently she thinks I'm going to die soon...fabulous!)


Lara Neves said...

How adorable is she? Cinnamon, too. :)

I think you're an awesome mom for having a party for her bear. Too bad you have to die.

Jill Ison said...

i can see why she is so fond of cinnamon. And by the by nothing makes me happier than to click on your blog and see you gorgeous family picture up on top. those coconut cupcakes sound evil. yum.