Monday, February 11, 2008

Swan Princess

I just couldn't resist. I'm here at the computer, most of the family asleep (amazingly), and Jonah by himself in the other room singing along to Swan Princess.

"I see him smile and then my knees start buckling." And, "She started out as such an ugly duckling, and suddenly she has become a swan...." Of course there are the love songs as well, "Far longer than forever." And "Eternity, eternity, I'll love you for eternity." (or something like that)

He loves this movie and I don't know why but it just makes me smile and laugh. Probably because I know he'd tell you the reason he likes it is because of the "great animal" and the bow and arrows. Every day for the past week at least I'm picking up hangers and pencils (or more recently the dead tulips from outside) off the floor. These are the materials for Jonah's bow and arrows. And toward the end of the movie when Derek is fighting the great animal, Jonah runs for his bow and arrow and gives us all quite a show of being Derek.

And yet, I know he really just likes it for the music. Jonah and I both highly recommend this movie if you haven't yet seen it!

This is before he came up with the clothes hangers and is just using a pen and pencils, but you get the idea.


littlest said...

k--totally used to watch swan princess all the time! i seriously have all those songs memorized and could sing along with jonah! i need to show my kids this movie--it would appeal to both of them, right? ahha

love it

DaNelle said...

That is so cute! My sister and I all watched it and I really need to show it to my kids! It has awesome music!

Elizabeth Moon said...

That is really cute. Maybe we can all watch it together in a few weeks!

julie said...

I love that story. It made me cry because Jonah is just so sweet and special. I can hear his little voice, full of sincerity, singing clearly along with the movie. He has a fabulous memory! I enjoy all of your blogs! Keep them coming!

Nicole said...

Oh, that's so funny! You need to get it on video! We have that movie, but my girls still get too scared to make it all the way through. I'll have to watch it a few times so I can imagine in my mind Jonah singing along!

Mechams said...

That is hilarious Amy. At least he watches the movie for the bows and arrows and not for the princesses! You should post him singing the songs to Swan Princess.