Monday, March 17, 2008

Back in the Saddle Again

Blogging was beginning to feel like just one more thing I couldn't keep up with in my life until I remembered I can't let myself go down that path. Maybe you all are familiar with it from time to time? The one where you think you're going to just keep sinking lower and lower into the ground under the weight and pressure of all your responsibilities? And never ever be able to get catch up with life? Well, it's a frequent thought process with me and I'm trying to be better. This is a crazy time of life. If I could just remember that and go a little easy on myself...

So, here I am trying to catch up a bit and it won't be exactly what I wanted, but it's at least something to keep our family journal recent.

February/March Top 10 List

10. Jonah got put in time out. (What a surprise, I know!) When Josh got home from work we told him about it, Josh asked Jonah why he got put in time out and Jonah replied very seriously, "I don't know, Dad. That's a good question." The little smarty pants.

9. Ellie has boycotted bed time. We finally started putting her in the play n' go if she got out of bed...and that cured her! Mean I know, but she actually stays in bed now without us having to lay down next to her for an hour while she tries in vain to settle down. I never expected to have a night owl. Josh and I definitely do not fit that mold.

8. Mom came home! Now it feels as though she was never gone and I love that we have her back. What amazing experiences she had while away. It was a blast hearing about it all. Here is one of my favorite pics from here mission and then some of her return at the airport.

Jasmine, Afton and the welcome home sign

Jasmine, Mom, Nate and Jenna

7. Climb to conquer cancer. Josh's work was involved in this event so the whole family got to go. Jonah was so excited until 1, he realized that this sort of climb didn't include actual climbing of rocks and the like and 2, it was a little colder than we anticipated. About 10 minutes into it Jonah started asking to turn back, Charlotte was screaming in the bijorn, Ellie had fallen out of the stroller and needless to say we were getting some pretty pathetic looks from our fellow hikers. When we did finally turn around Jonah exclaimed, "Hey, why is everyone going the wrong way?"

6. We discovered that Charlotte LOVES to swing. Sorry the video's a little long. It was just cracking me up. I couldn't stop.

5. Josh turned 28. I know for the most part we as a human race generally try to stay as young as possible for as long as possible, and I can't speak for Josh, but I for one am totally fine shedding my 20's. I think I've kind of always hated being the youngest...the youngest of my friends growing up, the youngest in my family (almost), and now it seems the youngest in our ward. It shouldn't bother me and I don't know why it does. Maybe I'll just leave it at that since this is about Josh and not me. For his birthday Josh got cleats, a nerf bow and arrow, a princess magnet book and a gift certificate to the spa. So the last few were really surprises for Jonah, Ellie and me but that's Josh for you. Even on his birthday you can't spoil him.

Thank you Uncle Bob and Aunt Shell for the fun pinata!

4. Charlotte learned assisted walking.

Cute bum!

Jonah took these last two.

3. Ellie got caught red-handed, cheeked, eyed and every other part of her face. When all was a little too quiet upstairs I walked into my room to find these two little troublemakers sitting in the shower, make up bag out, very guilty looks on their faces. Don't worry Erika, I'm pretty sure Ellie was the instigator in this well as all others where mischief is involved.

...and yes, Ellie did find that bag of candy and stuff them all down before I caught it.

2. The Moons came for a visit!!! I questioned their sanity a little, wanting to spend their Spring Break in a desert, but am SO glad they did! We had a blast together, the weather was perfect and it was nice to get a little bit of Williamsburg back in our lives. Since I let Elizabeth take all the pictures with her very nice camera, I will refer you to her blog for details/pics.

1. Jonah turned four! And here is one instance where I would prefer that he stay as young as possible for as long as possible. It all goes too quickly...the funny sayings, transient passions (i.e. transformers, bow and arrows, "Mom, I love you" a thousand times a day). I don't want it to end and yet with each new phase of life will come new things to be excited about I'm sure.
So Jonah had a little "Transformers" party (go figure) and loved every second of it. Of course he now has about ten transformers that I can't figure out, but he's grown very patient with me. Just this morning when he asked me if I'd transform his tank and I told him there was the possibility that I may not be able to transform it back and might even possibly break it trying, he said, "Let's just wait for Daddy to get home."

Until next month...


Elizabeth Moon said...

Wow! That was great!

Annie said...

Goodness, what a busy gal! No wonder you didn't feel like blogging. I thought Jasmine was still 8! I'm with you on not really caring about getting out of the 20's. Looks like you've been having a fun time.

Heather said...

Thanks for catching us up - I was beginning to wonder where you'd got to! I just left the 20s behind on Sunday - scary - and Esther turned two yesterday! And I'm so glad the Moons went to visit you. We'll have Matt and Jene' out here in May. Granted, they'll be living on the other side of Dallas, but hey, 30 minutes away isn't too bad!

Erika said...

I can so relate to the not keeping up with everything phase. I think you are amazing! Love the Natalie and Ellie pic. What cute little friends!

Melissa said...

Yeah! Jana's home! And yeah! You're back to blogging... :) I love the make-up picture. I have many of those. Cherish the times,eventhough it can be frustrating. Before long, she'll want real make-up and be a teenager.