Thursday, April 22, 2010


Sleep my treasure,
Close to mother.
Sleep my baby,

This is how Ellie was singing the lullaby in the back of the car. And then she asked Char, "Do you know why I say 'dude?' It's because the baby is a boy. Girls are ladies and boys are dudes."

She said it so matter of fact...I couldn't help but bust a gut. She didn't see the humor in it. Never mind that the word there is 'do' not 'dude.'

Still, she kept singing along like a rock star. "Char, listen. This one's about a girl baby. Sleep my treasure, close to mother, sleep my baby lady."

So in case you were wondering, boys are dudes.


Jill Ison said...

haha! That is great. thanks for the laugh!

Heather B said...

Precious! Why do we have children, if not for the comic relief? Take care of your ladies and dudes!

jana said...

I am now enlightened. guess I should start referring to my grandsons as "dudes".

Lara Neves said...

But it's the girls are ladies that is cracking me up for some reason!

Love it.

What a great big sister she is. :)

Nicole said...

that's just awesome.