Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Happy Fourth!

One of the perks of being married to an attorney is that you get to become law abiding citizens. Maybe perk isn't the right word. The other day Jonah mysteriously came home with a box of firecrackers (thank you, family!). Josh decided there was no way we were keeping them. However, can you really just throw them away? What if they blow up? Josh solved the problem by turning ourselves in, more or less. He actually called up the fire department to ask what we should do about them. After perplexing the Town of Gilbert for awhile, he was referred to the police station to turn them in for destruction. Should I be impressed or annoyed? Jonah knew exactly how he felt about it...

In the end the kids had fun going down to the police station to hand over the illegal merchandise. And we all get to feel great about being law abiding citizens again.

In other news, Jonah has found his favorite great-uncle. He had a great time at Uncle Brad's place viewing his trophies and I think we've got a future hunter in the makings here. Tonight as he was getting ready for bed he told Josh that his bedtime story had to be either a "...fishing story or a hunting story. You can choose, Dad." Lovely.

We're headed off to Haigler now to celebrate the Fourth and spend some quality time with the Allreds. Wahoo! I can't wait. Jonah is perhaps even more excited. Last night as I was putting Ellie to bed he came in and very seriously said, "Mom, we've got a big day tomorrow."
Which is why I better stop blogging now and finish (more like start) packing.


Nicole said...

All right, that's pretty awesome. I must confess that I probably would've put a match to them. My husbandn's not TECHNICALLY a lawyer yet, right?

And "a big day tomorrow"? Ha ha ha! That's so cute!

Heather said...

For me, the perk is being married to the only attorney in our ward. Poor Daron gets all the jokes in Sunday School when we read about all the evil lawyers! He also gets all the law questions from the members. Fortunately, he's actually been able to be quite a help to several people.

Annie said...

Well, I'm just glad you guys decided to turn yourselves in because if you hadn't, I would have and I hate to think what that would've done to our friendship. Happy Fourth!

Jene said...
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Jene said...

How about the perks of being the daughter of a fire fighter growing up. We got to set off the confiscated (or in your case voluntarily suckered up) fire works in our back yard! All under the supervision of a professional of course...so it was allowed (at least that is what my dad always said)! :) We miss you guys!

Leah Miller said...

Your fireworks story is TOO funny! LOL. I love that you "turned yourselves in". That sounds like something Ryan would do. Thanks for the laugh.

Alishia said...

I just found your blog. It's so fun to catch up with all you guys are doing. Apparently law school did something to my cousin. The firework story was too funny!!

The Birches said...

Your kids are SOOOOOO cute! I can't believe how big Jonah is! And I love the picutre of him holding the "illegal merchandise"... priceless!