Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Bill Bitter bought a bit of butter...

Have I mentioned they used to call me "Butter-ball?" Well, I have a protege. Introducing "Butter-ball Char."

You can see she wasn't so sure of the texture in the beginning. More the feeling of "get this stuff off of me!" was in order. But I insisted, ensuring her that it takes but a moment before you're sure you were meant to be a butter-ball.

"Hmmm...yes, I can see you were right, Mom."

"Definitely my calling is clear. A butter-ball I am!"

And then there's Ellie.

We were getting dinner at DQ last night (on my way home from the gym...can you believe they place that thing right there in the same parking lot?) and as the guy was handing over the kids' meals, "hot dog, chicken and here's your cheeseburger," Ellie said quite seriously, "Cheese booger? Who got the cheese booger?" I laughed a little and explained no it wasn't a cheese booger but a cheese burger. She thought for a moment and then just started cracking up! The whole way home Ellie and Char couldn't get enough of that joke.

And I'm thinking the sad thing is Ellie probably would love some cheese with her boogers.


Heather B said...

I had to laugh at your post, because I hadn't thought about the fact that the DQ here in town is right across the street from a gym! What is it with those people? Gives me a hankerin' for a peanut buster parfait, though...

Rhonda said...

I've thought that same thing about DQ right in the parking lots with the gym. Good thing I usually go before DQ is open. Love the cheese boogers..funny girl.

Kathryn said...

I love Ellie.

Jill Ison said...

what a crack up. you and ellie both!

Grampa said...

Amy, you were such a cute butterball. And you have handed it down. Char is equally cute!

Melissa said...

cheese booger... that is hilarious. and even more hilarious is going to DQ after the gym. my kind of dieting plan.

Heather Weir said...

I can't believe how much your kids look exactly like you and your family. I love the blonde hair. Makes me think of what Kathryn's hair will look like in a few years.