Monday, November 9, 2009

Do your feet have names?

If you were to ask Ellie this question, the answer would be, "Yes!" And then pointing at the bottoms of her feet, "This one's Jonah and this one's Ellie."

Josh and I discovered this little secret of hers during Sacrament Meeting yesterday when, shoes kicked off, she was sitting on her knees facing the back of the pew. I look down and on the soles of her feet were written "Ellie" on her right foot and "Jonah" on her left. Looks like we need to have the FHE lesson "Our Bodies are a Temple" tonight...again.

I got a picture of it later, but it had already faded quite a bit. A close look though and you'll see what I got to see in the middle of Sacrament Meeting...not the most opportune time to bust a laugh.


Erika said...

That Ellie is hilarious. And I LOVE the picture. You are so talented!! I miss you! Let's get together soon!

Emma Fisher said...

This is Emma...I love reading your blog! It makes me laugh every time! :) I love your kids so much!!!