Thursday, November 12, 2009

Shark Tooth

There's a pile of yucky dishes in the sink that need some serious tending to so of course I'm blogging. The way I see it, life history also needs tending to and if one has to go...well then I'm perfectly happy to plop my tired little bum into a chair, force my tired little eyes to stay open (at 8:24 PM) and document the oh so exciting events of our oh so exciting family. Actually, this is a big one and I've been meaning to get to it for a while...

My Jonah bubs has lost his first tooth! And grown in two more. It's a little creepy looking. See for yourself.

This was taken before the one fell out. We've still got one more to go before he no longer looks like a shark.

Jonah's note to the tooth fairy was cute...

Translation: "I want the tooth fairy to pick up (my tooth). Love, Jonah." And then partially erased at the bottom, "Lost my tooth." He wrote that while Josh and I were scouring the house looking for the lost prize. We eventually found the garbage.

A friend just wrote a cute post, The Truth Fairy, and it was something I've been thinking about lately. I was so afraid Jonah was going to ask if the Tooth Fairy were real because I don't ever remember believing it as a child. And I wasn't sure if I was prepared to lie about it either because let's face it, she doesn't play a super important role in the land of make believe. I'd say she ranks right up there with the Easter Bunny (not a fave with me). But more than that, I was afraid if he figured out the Tooth Fairy weren't real he'd assume Santa was no more either. A truly devastating thought.

And yet, I'm not a good liar. Let's just say I let out a big sigh of relief when he took the announcement of a magical fairy who comes in the middle of the night to snatch your tooth from underneath your pillow leaving a few coins in its place, without question.


Lara Neves said...

That is so weird how his teeth are growing in! But kind of cute, too. :)

I'm glad he believes in the tooth fairy. It is a fun little tradition, while it lasts. (I'm still kind of bitter.)

Angie said...

Addie has shark teeth as well. Thanks to Dr. Cullimore, he calmed all of my fears as we were literally driving away from AZ to embark on our new adventure in UT.

Jill Ison said...

my kids get the shark tooth thing too. i blame chad's side of the family. but nataie also got a robot tooth and thats how you know your cool! (tooth with such a severe cavity they cap it silver ;)) Anyway yeah I hate the invention of the toothfairy, but I loooooove those sweet notes they always write (especially when ones gone missing) and what a good mom to find it... in the trash? really? i probably wouldnt have bother to look there.

Nicole said...

Wow! That double set of teeth really is impressive. And I gotta say, I totally share your sentiments about the Easter Bunny. When my girls built a trap for the tooth fairy, I knew they weren't about to question her existence!

Cherie said...

That is the coolest thing ever. And I love the note!

Heather said...

That's a big deal! I love the note, too cute.

Brody isn't showing any sign of losing any, but he keeps telling me about kids in his class that are losing theirs.

jana said...

Oh Jonah! you are sooooo cute. i love you!