Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Charlotte Grows a Notch

This was our first experience with Preschool Graduation and I have to say I was a little skeptical. Isn't it a little redundant if every year ends with yet another Graduation Ceremony? Perhaps. But after witnessing Char's Preschool Graduation I'm a believer. It helps that this was the cutest group of 4 and 5 year olds I have ever seen. Holy cow. During the "When I grow up I want to be a (fill in the blank)" portion of the ceremony, one kid got up and without reserve demonstrated how he was going to be a transformer when he grew up. So funny. Which brings me to Charlotte. She wants to be a Mom when she grows up. I know that sometimes sounds cliche, but nothing could have put a bigger smile on my face. Not only to hear it, but to every day see her in action. Charlotte's got mommy skills. The girl is in earnest and I have no doubt she will make a fabulous mother some day. Happy Graduation Charlotte. I'm so glad you're only graduating to half day Kindergarten. What would your little sisters do without you?!

 Here she is with her preschool buddy, Sadie.

By the way, as darling as the program was, that night was actually a bit hellish. My older kids were fighting, Hazel was banging her hands on the chairs as loud as she could, Edith decided she needed to eat right then, and Josh was away in trial. It's only thanks to a friend I even have documentation of the night. Unless you count Jonah's phone recording of the ceiling. How's that for keeping it real! 

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