Wednesday, January 9, 2008

New Year Firsts

Jonah's now in Primary.

That being said, I should mention that it took Jonah screaming about it two weeks prior to it ever even happening, Josh having to leave his nursery class of 10 or so 18-month old kids to his teacher-partner the day this event took place and....a whole lot of prayers.

To say that Jonah wasn't happy about becoming a shining Sunbeam would be the understatement of the year (and yes, I'm aware that we're not even two weeks into the new year). Josh and I thought it would be a great idea to start prepping Jonah a couple weeks before his first Sunday in Primary. Even the "prepping" sent Jonah into full blown tantrums. When the blessed event occurred, I thought for the first time ever, "They might actually ask us to leave and never come back." He screamed all through Music/Sharing Time, in and out and back in again. And then when it was time to go to his class he was fine. Loved it. Couldn't have been more thrilled with his teacher and his class, which according to him isn't part of Primary. Well, okay. Call it whatever you want if it keeps the tears away!

I guess there has to be one of these cases every time to kick off the New Year in Primary. I just never thought it would be Jonah. The best was his prayer the other night. Knowing that he was a little anxious about the change that was going to occur in his life, we had been telling him to ask Heavenly Father to help him be ready for Primary. So then a few nights ago, after the Primary Saga day, he was saying our family prayer and said, "...and bless me...(pause)...bless Ellie that she'll be ready for Primary..."

I think he has finally made his peace with Primary and can now concentrate his prayers on Ellie's behalf when next year she gets to take the plunge (poor "little fella" as Jonah would say).


Elizabeth Moon said...

I love this post Amy! You are such a good story teller. Jonah is growing up! I miss you!

Heather said...

As the Sunbeam teacher, I had a few nervous kiddos last Sunday. One girl, who is quite dramatic, had asked about snacks during classtime. I told her gently that they were big kids now and didn't need them during Primary. She seemed to handle it alright at the moment. But during Closing Exercises, she got all upset and started crying to her brother two rows behind her, "Marcos! I have some very bad news! There are no snacks in Sunbeams!"

Nicole said...

Ha ha! Amy, it's so great to hear what you're up to....motherhood, I guess. And Jonah is hilarious! Class is NOT primary, eh? And Josh is a nursery leader? Yeah, so's Barrett. Fun stuff.

And when Barrett was putting our "law school tree" into it's box this year he commented, "it's been a good tree". Yeah, time for a new one.

Cassi said...

What an adventure! Actually, I'm kinda surprised--I would have thought Jonah we relish being "where the big kids go." I'm so glad you're blogging all this--it's so fun to read about!

Erika said...

Too funny. I'm impressed he "got it" enough to even be worried about it ahead of time. We talked to Andrew about it beforehand, but I don't think he really understood what it meant...

We miss you guys! We'll have to get together soon.

Heather said...

So funny! Brody had his big first day today. I think he was a little shell-shocked to throw any tantrums. It was so chaotic in there he didn't know what to do. His teacher gave him some "nerds" candy because he didn't want crackers and cheese. She pretty much won him over with that.