Sunday, September 21, 2008


I've been busy losing my head the past few weeks. It's sad enough to be busy, but then to be busy and not actually accomplish much...that's the real tragedy. A few examples.

Saturday I forgot my violin. Three quarters of the way to our destination (a performance at the MAC) and I realize my case never made it to the car. Thank goodness for brother-in-laws who save the day with 10 minutes to spare.

Thursday I forgot Cub Scouts. My partner called me up 20 minutes after 4:00 wondering if I was coming. Not only did I forget, but I was busy being so proud of myself for preparing dinner earlier that day and now cooking it all up 20 minutes after 4:00 so that we'd have plenty of time to get to Jonah's first soccer practice at 5:30.

I've forgotten to arrange a nursery for ward choir...again. Every now and then I entertain the thought of asking to be released from just one of my three callings until I remember that I wasn't any better with just one.

Every day I forget to do the things that absolutely have to get done--like laundry, dishes, baths, etc. Somehow those little darlings are just so distracting.

So by now I get it; busyness is inevitable. But for reals...can someone please teach me that productive kind of busyness??? It does exist, or doesn't it???


Laurel said...

When you find the secret please share because that is exactly how I feel most days.

Lara Neves said...

I do the same thing all the time. I can't survive without my planner, and that's only if I remember to update it regularly. :)

Jene said...

are you sure you're not pregnant! ;)

Amy G. said...

I almost wish I were cause then at least I'd have a valid excuse...but no...not pregnant.

Kate said...

I bet if you wrote down all the things you did in one day you would see that you are actually doing ALOT. It's just that you're running around in circles so you feel like you're not getting anywhere.

Chapman Family said...

I swear with each child my brain gets smaller. Or perhaps I just get more tired. Either way we have a lot of fun chasing each other around the house! I wouldn't worry to much about that huge list of things to get done because no matter how much time you put into it it just keeps getting longer. Sorry toots, that's earth life. But it sure is fun!

Alishia said...

I'm so glad I'm not alone, Amy. You always seem to have it together when I see you. I never would have guessed you struggled with the same problems I do.