Lately Ellie has been obsessed with pink. She wants the pink straw in her drink and will throw a fit if she’s given a purple one. When we’re browsing clothing stores online she insists I click on anything pink from purses to skirts. Josh is the ultimate sucker for Ellie's pink obsession. The other day they came home with pink Strawberry Whoppers. Who even heard of them? But when it was time for her to pick out a treat, it had to! It’s got to be the pink balloon when we’re leaving the grocery store and as we’re laying down for her naps she looks around and points out everything pink in her room. She’s all girl. Am I in trouble?
In the wipes...
In the diapers...
In the shapes container...
Another video (I tried to make it more interesting with some calming James Taylor in the background). She calls her Queen her "Washer." I really don't know why except maybe it looks like she's holding a rag instead of a scepter. Even still I don't know where she would have gotten the idea. Not from me certainly!
That's How you Know...
Josh told me a cute story the other day about Ellie. He had put her down for bed when all of the sudden a few minutes later he heard her screaming. He ran upstairs to find Ellie, not screaming but singing at the top of her lungs, "That's how you know! That's how you know!" modulating a key higher with each new repeat. For you Enchanted fans out there, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about.
Sing Sweet Nightingale, from Cinderella is another of her favorites and I love to hear her when she gets to the "Ahhhhhhhhhh" ascending scale part. She's in earnest, singing her heart out, eyebrows raised and out of key. To die for! I love you, Ellie!