Tuesday, April 29, 2008

All about Ellie

The Color Pink…

Lately Ellie has been obsessed with pink. She wants the pink straw in her drink and will throw a fit if she’s given a purple one. When we’re browsing clothing stores online she insists I click on anything pink from purses to skirts. Josh is the ultimate sucker for Ellie's pink obsession. The other day they came home with pink Strawberry Whoppers. Who even heard of them? But when it was time for her to pick out a treat, it had to be...pink! It’s got to be the pink balloon when we’re leaving the grocery store and as we’re laying down for her naps she looks around and points out everything pink in her room. She’s all girl. Am I in trouble?

Ellie’s People…

This is so typically Ellie. She can be found at almost any hour of the day playing with her Little People. And every time she has them arranged differently or packed away in some container or the other. She's very protective of them too. If one is lost, she searches high and low until it's found. Here are just a few of the many...

In the wipes...

In the diapers...

In her shopping cart...

In the shapes container...

Riding ponies...

Lounging on the net...

And kissing! Or maybe dancing...not really sure

Another video (I tried to make it more interesting with some calming James Taylor in the background). She calls her Queen her "Washer." I really don't know why except maybe it looks like she's holding a rag instead of a scepter. Even still I don't know where she would have gotten the idea. Not from me certainly!

That's How you Know...

Josh told me a cute story the other day about Ellie. He had put her down for bed when all of the sudden a few minutes later he heard her screaming. He ran upstairs to find Ellie, not screaming but singing at the top of her lungs, "That's how you know! That's how you know!" modulating a key higher with each new repeat. For you Enchanted fans out there, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about.

Sing Sweet Nightingale
, from Cinderella is another of her favorites and I love to hear her when she gets to the "Ahhhhhhhhhh" ascending scale part. She's in earnest, singing her heart out, eyebrows raised and out of key. To die for! I love you, Ellie!

Jonah and the Wii

Somehow because I didn't buy myself an Easter dress, Josh got to buy a Wii. One of those crazy, totally unreasonable deals Josh is prone to make. Anyway, it was not my idea and I'm still trying to be okay with it. However, this was made much easier after last night's family home evening game.

(I'm always a little embarrassed to post videos because there I am in the background sounding like an idiot, but then sometimes they're too funny I just can't resist!)

It's amazing Jonah missed at all!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Blogging Hiccup...

Really the only problem I have with blogging so far is when it comes to leaving comments. It always seems to take me a couple tries before I can get the word verification right. I'm sure I'm alone on this one, but if there are any of you who have this particular blogging handicap and feel a need to come out of the closet on this issue, now would definitely be the time! I could use a fellow blogger or two to make me feel better about myself. But, like I said...I'm perfectly prepared to be the only blond here. Sometimes I just like to laugh at myself.

"My side, your side...My side, MY side!!"

Jonah and Ellie are very particular about spying things out their windows as we drive along in our car. Sometimes Jonah will say, "Ellie! Look! There's a horsey on your side!" But more often Jonah will spy something on his side (out his window) and then it's...

Ellie: "No, my side!"
Jonah: "No, MY side!"
Ellie: "My side!
Jonah: "MY SIDE!"

...and on and on again until I think my ear drums are going to burst. And they're not even being cute about it. They are both seriously as mad as can be, shouting and crying about whose side the spied object/animal was actually on. Just one of those moments that, while annoying and ridiculous now, may be laughed about some time down the road.

Times when they are being cute together...

Sunday "picnic."

Having to sit by Charlotte. What is it with this obsession for relative distance?

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Spring Training

I'm reading blogs, talking to friends and finding out that now is the season for potty training. Something in the spring air perhaps? Or maybe a dread for mysterious looking floaties in the pool this summer? So Monday I gave it a whirl with Ellie and all I have to say is, "What the heck?!" Why is everybody else's two-year-old a Potty Princess and mine...not so much? When Ellie had no success on the potty and lots of success in her underwear and on the floor, I decided we were done...D-U-N, done! I'm waiting 'till she's four, or whatever age it is that's easy. After the living h-e-double hockey stix it was with Jonah...easy is exactly what i deserve! So, the potty treats I bought for Ellie...all mine! I deserve those too.

This is Ellie from over a year ago. I think we've actually regressed.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Perfect Day

I can't even believe how beautiful this day was (I'm more than a week late getting this post out...better late than never?) It was windy, breezy, sunny and any other word ending in "y" you can use to describe basically what I'll always look back on as a perfect day. Mom, you can't ever move cause your backyard is too perfect for these impromptu baseball games with the family. Here are some pictures...

It began with a brisk 5K in the morning (ha, ha!)

Next was group lessons over at Mom's where Meagan and Ellie had fun dressing up. I was happy this kept them occupied. Normally they tear through the house searching every bathroom and room for lotion, makeup, perfume, etc...

Jonah playing in the tree house...more like just sitting there, too scared to budge an inch for fear of falling.

And then because all the cousins hang out after group lessons for a while, this ball game ensued...

"Which way is first?"

"Alright, here I go!"

Hi five with Emma

Pres-dawg! you look like a pro!

Even the big boys had a good time.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Bag Tag

Elizabeth, knowing how well I enjoy these little gimmicks, has "bag tagged" me. Normally I might be stubborn and refuse, but I have an ulterior motive this time which serves not only to get back at Elizabeth for the embarrassing mess you're about to see but to right the wrong in this picture...

So, Elizabeth here's the deal...Josh bought me a Coach bag for my birthday knowing I needed a new bag and wanting me to have something nice, but also knowing that I'd never in a million years spend quite so much of our tax refund on a new bag. It was a sweet gesture but the purse wasn't exactly the right fit. Here's where you come in...help me find the perfect bag! I thought maybe you could even dedicate a whole post on Style Picnic for me. I'll send you details later if you're up for it.

And now for the tally...

water bottle
smelly Bath & Body Works lotion
Ellie's purse
Land Before Time
birthday card from Em (I love the lotion by the way, em!)
J.Crew credit card holder (thanks Elizabeth)
an assortment of toys including Lehi
brown crayon
earphones for the gym
diapers...but no wipes (that's gonna be messy)
costco receipt
dentist receipt
grocery list
some random socks that don't make a pair
phone (finally)
charlotte's snotty tissue
...and a bunch of other junk that I couldn't help throwing out before posting

Karolina, I dedicate this post to you. Your gift has served me well this past year...so well that the edges are worn, the wire protruding and it's time to say, "Farewell, lovely pink and navy polk-a-dot J.Crew bag! You'll be greatly missed!"

I bag tag Joni, Erika, Emily and because I'm quite certain yours will be clean, Mom Greer.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

A Four Year Old's Perspective of the Atonement

During Family Home Evening last night Jonah was giving the prayer which recently has gone from "Heavenly Father, bless this day, in the name of Jesus Christ" to something a little more substantial like...

"Heavenly Father, bless this day, bless that Jesus can die, bless that we all can die, and help us to be zerrected..."

Again, I'm amazed at their simple minds. It's why I always loved being in primary. When life starts getting too complicated I should just listen to my kids a bit more!


This is not for the feint of stomach, but too funny and memorable to pass up. I realize I may even lose a reader or two (so there go you all!), but Charlotte may get a laugh out of it one day and so I proceed...

Notice the unleashed diaper in the background. Try not to notice the smudges on her mouth...yuck!

I'd cry too if I found myself in this poopy predicament...

Feeling much better...

And looking much cuter.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Liberties, eh?

While I'm not sure I would have consented to the liberties you took with your choice of photos, Josh, I will let it slide for the beautiful comments you made. Thanks for making my birthday special as always.


Sunday, April 6, 2008


Josh, here - taking some liberties with Amy's blog.

Whenever we have friends over, someone undoubtedly asks, "How did you two meet?" This always provides me with an opportunity to explain some of my favorite things about Amy.

While it is true that Amy and I attended the same high school it is also true that we can never remember speaking to one another during school. Now this could result from our drastic social situations (Amy and her friends were some of the most popular in the school - me, not so much), or by the off chance that we failed to cross paths during our adolescent years. Regardless of the real reasons, we never did anything together until I returned from my mission and Amy returned from BYU.

After we began running with the same crowd, I finally realized that this was the girl from me and I rustled up the courage to ask her out. I started noticing some special things about Amy. First, she was brilliant. When we first started dating Amy lived in Queen Creek. I was extremely nervous about picking her up as I was concerned about the conversations in the hour drive to Phoenix. However, this was not a problem. She had some much to say and was completely at ease. She has the incredible capacity and desire to learn and grow.

Second, she was beautiful. Our first date she wore and red sweater and black pants. She has deep blue eyes that seem to jump when she is talking about something she's interested in. Fortunately for our daughters, Amy has passed this trait to Charlotte and Ellie.

Third, Amy is passionate. Whether it is music, are children, or occasionally me, Amy is passionate about life. She eagerly seeks for new adventures and experiences. Never one to shy away from a challenge, Amy breaks down difficult tasks or assignments and always finds a way to make things work.

After that first date, I was hooked. I have been ever since. Through the past several years, I have learned to love and cherish the spark that she brings to our family and to all those around her.

Thank you for all you do. Happy Birthday, Querida!


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Meet Handsome...

...also known as Maxsome, also know as Mason. Really his name is Hampton, but every day Jonah goes through a few variations of this before finally asking, "What's his name, Mom?" I'm not sure what's so tricky about it.

Josh bought this Beta for his nursery class lesson, which was "I can be thankful for fish." Next week's lesson is "I can be thankful for bugs." I don't know why but that just makes me laugh. I want to be two. Life is so simple when you're two.

Anyway, I was a little leery to let Josh buy the fish because of the very strict "No Pets" policy in our home, but I figured how bad can it be? So now we're all just concentrating really hard on not letting Handsome die.