Monday, April 28, 2008

"My side, your side...My side, MY side!!"

Jonah and Ellie are very particular about spying things out their windows as we drive along in our car. Sometimes Jonah will say, "Ellie! Look! There's a horsey on your side!" But more often Jonah will spy something on his side (out his window) and then it's...

Ellie: "No, my side!"
Jonah: "No, MY side!"
Ellie: "My side!
Jonah: "MY SIDE!"

...and on and on again until I think my ear drums are going to burst. And they're not even being cute about it. They are both seriously as mad as can be, shouting and crying about whose side the spied object/animal was actually on. Just one of those moments that, while annoying and ridiculous now, may be laughed about some time down the road.

Times when they are being cute together...

Sunday "picnic."

Having to sit by Charlotte. What is it with this obsession for relative distance?


Erika said...

That all sounds way too familiar...

Sunday picnic is too cute!

Elizabeth Moon said...

Haha. That's so those of us not in the car with you, I'm sure...:)
Aw, I want to have a Sunday picnic with those two cuties!

littlest said...

k--i feel like i am reading my life story with all your posts about the kiddos. what is the obession with relative distance? my kids have it too.

love your house!
we close today!!

Josh said...

I think all of our friends are going to think that the only thing we feed our kids is pasta.

Amy G. said...

That IS all our kids eat.

Amy G. said...

Joni! Congrats...I can't wait to see it one day!